"Summerhill is possibly the happiest school in the world".
What is your opinion of this statement by A.S. Neill?
1. At what age did you go to
Summerhill and how long did you stay there?
2. Had you attended other day or boarding schools before going to Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 0if YES,
a) which schools (specify boarding or day school)?
b) for how long?
c) did you have any problems there? Yes 0 No 0
If YES, what sort of problems?
3. Why did your parents
decide to send you to Summerhill?
4. If you think about when you first started at Summerhill, what were your initial impressions?
a) What did you like?b) What did you not like?
c) Was there anything which you found particularly difficult?
Yes 0 No 0
If YES, what was the cause of this difficulty?
5. Did you attend lessons
while you were at Summerhill?
0 a) Yes, from when I started until when I left the school.0 b) Yes, on a regular basis initially but more rarely after .........month.
0 c) Yes, but not initially, only after ......... month.0 d) No, never.
0 e) Other (Please explain if your lesson attendance was different from the options given above).
6. Which subjects were you
most interested in? (Please list your THREE favourite subjects.)
7. Did you take GCSE examinations
at Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 0If Yes, in which subjects?
8. What motivated you to
take GCSE examinations?
9. How did the form and structure
of Lessons at Summerhill differ from lessons in traditional schools?
10. a) What did you particularly like about the form and structure of Lessons at Summerhill?
b) What
did you not like about the form and structure of lessons at Summerhill?
11. Do you think the Summerhill school can set any examples for traditional schools
Yes 0 No 0If YES, how?
12. Do you think that teachers
at Summerhill differ from teachers in traditional schools?
Yes 0 No 0If YES,
in what ways do they differ? (please give two differences.)
13. Do you remember the
topics discussed at meetings? What were the most common topics of discussion?
14. Where you ever punished by the tribunal for contravening school rules?
0 a) No0 b) Yes, but rarely.
0 c) Yes, quite often.
15. How often did you go
home to visit your parents during a school year?
16. How did you feel about the
long separation from your parents?
17. Who was the most important person / Who were the most important people for you at Summerhill?
0 a) house parents0 b) fellow students, school friends
0 c) A.S. Neill
0 d) a Teacher, teachers
0 e) other (please give details)
18. What functions did your
house parents fulfil?
19. What do you feel was the
pleasantest aspect of your relationship with your house parents?
20. How many different sets
of house parents did you have?
21. What were your favourite
activities during your leisure time?
22. Were there situations where you felt that too much was being demanded of you?
Yes 0 No 0If YES, please outline important examples of such situations.
23. Were there also situations
where you felt that you were not being challenged enough?
Yes 0 No 0If YES, please outline important examples of such situations.
24. Looking back, what was
particularly important for you at Summerhill?
number the following points in order of importance - 1 = most important)
0 - No pressure to attend lessons.0 - Being able to freely fulfil the childhood desire to play.
0 - Living away from parents.
0 - Healthy attitude towards sex and relationships with the opposite sex.
0 - Being with other children.
0 - Self-government
0 - A feeling of partnership in relations with teachers and house parents.
0 - Other. (Please give details)
25. Do you think that Summerhill
was a decisive factor in the development of your personality?
Yes 0 No 0If YES, in which way?
26. a) What do you feel
that you benefitted from your time at Summerhill?
b) Do you feel that you were somehow disadvantaged by your time at Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 027. Did you have adjustment problems after leaving Summerhill?If YES, how?
Yes 0 No 0If YES, what sort of problems:
a) in private life?
b) in working life
28. Would you send your
children to Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 0Please could you give reasons for your decision.
29. Looking back, would you describe
yourself as:
0 a) quite an unproblematic childor
0 b) a rather difficult child?
Please give your reasons.
30. Personality theories differentiate
between introverted and extroverted people. Do your regard yourself as:
0 a) an introvertor
0 b) an extrovert?
31. What have you done since leaving
Summerhill? Please briefly outline your academic and professional
Finally, some personal details would
be appreciated in order to a aid statistical analysis.
32. Sex: Male 0 Female 0
33. Age: .....
34. Nationality: ...........
35. Marital Status:
0 Single
0 Married0 Divorced
0 Widow/er
0 Living with a partner but not married
36. Current Occupation:
37. Number of children:
38. Have any of your children attended / Are any of your children attending Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 039. Did your parents go to Summerhill?
Yes 0 No 0
If YES, for how long?
40. Parent`s Occupation:
Father:41. Is there a particular quality of characteristic which in your opinion typifies the Summerhill personality?Mother:
Thank your for your time and assistance
in completing this questionnaire. It is, of course, not necessary to fill
in your name and address but these details would be very much appreciated.